SJD Children’s Home

SJD Homes provides safe solo /shared residential living for children and young people aged 10 – 18 years old. Working together with local authorities we help
children and young people to maximise their skills with flexible, personalised support packages designed to help them successfully transition into independence and adulthood for better outcomes. Each Child has an allocated Key Worker.

Supporting children and young people with a range of needs such as:

  • Attention deficit disorder

  • Attachment disorders

  • Autistic spectrum disorder

  • Drug and alcohol abuse

  • Offending behaviour

  • Gang involvement and exploitation

  • Mental health issues

  • Moderate learning disabilities

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Self-harming behaviours

Our packages are categorised as follows:

​Bespoke – Solo/Shared accommodation staffed 24/7 with high level support tailored
to the individual needs of children and young people.

Packages include:

  • Bespoke individually tailored care plans
  • Support to access all appointments including health care support.

  • Continual support through their education and career pathway including help with future goal setting and targets.
  • Support accessing community-based activities and hobbies.
  • 1:1 key work session focused on safety, building positive relationships, maintaining personal hygiene, health, education/employment/training, day to day living, cooking, money management and basic house chores, help young people to develop independence and be able to cope in society by showing the importance of maintaining well-being and self-care.

  • Support managing and regulating emotions, reflective sessions and preparing for independence.

  • Weekly/Monthly goals set in collaboration with the children and young person.

  • Safeguarding
  • MISPER collections.

  • Risk Management and Harm Minimisations

  • Setting clear boundaries and expectations in preparation for adulthood

  • Counselling support and a variety of therapies if necessary to overcome any difficulties experienced
  • Contact support with parents, carer’s, family and friends.

Partnership Working with Statutory Agencies

SJD Homes understands the importance of working with services for a better
outcome for the Young People in our care and work closely with organisations such
as Children’s Social Care, CAMHS, NHS, Education, Probation/YOTs and
advocacy services to Safeguarding the needs of our vulnerable children and young
We will also work closely with Children’s Social Care to support young people to
maintain positive relationships with their family.
​Jointly with their social worker we help young parents work through issues such as:

  • Trauma
  • Boundary setting

  • Substance misuse
  • Building self-confidence
  • Emotional detachment
  • Emotional well-being

Partnership Working with Non- Statutory Agencies

SJD Homes also has access to non-statutory services providers with services to Support such as:

  • Accessing employment
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Dance and Art Therapy
  • Accredited studio time / Music therapy

  • In House Counselling Service
  • Private 1-1 educational tuition
  • Boxing and Football mentoring
  • VAWG support (violence against women and girls)

  • Gangs Workers